Scholarship Recipients 2021

Scholarships were presented at the High School the last week of May by Vicki Amoroso Hajec, Alumni President.

Virgil G Curtis Scholarship

The following each received $1400.00

Ciara Davis

Caleb Munn

Evan Simmonsen

Maya Wetherbee

Allison Zaczkiewica

The following each received $1000.00

Jacob Blake

Morgan Brooks Sherwood

Bryce Maleski

Melanie Scouten

Hannah Smrcka

Stacey R. Skinner Scholarship

Hallie Pearson - $400.00

This is a one time scholarship in memory of Evelyn J. Davis-van Wingerden.

Evelyn is a graduate from the Class of 1953 and wanted to give back to the students in her memory.

Chase Suchar $1500.00

Rachel Hajec $1500.00

Virgil G Curtis Scholarship recipients
Virgil G Curtis Scholarship Recipients
Stacey R Skinner scholarship recipient
Stacey R Skinner Scholarship Recipient
Jake Blake
Virgil G Curtis scholarship recipient
Caleb Munn
Virgil G Curtis Scholarship Recipient
Evelyn J Davis van Wingerden scholarship recipients
Evelyn J Davis Van Wingerden Scholarship Recipients